Ring Toss Carnival Game
Includes up to a 3 day rental (72Hours)
Actual Size: Open: 23" x 70.5" x 8.5"
Bottle Ring Toss Carnival Game
This is an updated version of the traditional Coca Cola bottle and ring toss carnival game -- but, instead of using breakable glass bottles, this game uses non-breakable plastic bottle-shaped figures with great red-white-and-blue graphic colors.
The Bottle Toss carnival game is easy to play for all ages. Each player is given five rings to try their hand at "Ringing" one of the individual bottle figures so that the ring lies securely on the neck of the bottle. To adjust the difficulty of the game, just have the players stand closer or further away from the bottles.
One fun option is for winners to actually get a bottled beverage or to select from various prizes base don whether they were successful with one, two, three, four or even five of their tosses being "ringers"! But, of course, no prizes are necessary as the kids will have fun with just the challenge of getting a ringer and beating their friends!
The Bottle and Ring Toss carnival game comes in a convenient carrying case for ease of portability and there are no heavy breakable glass bottles to lug either! The carrying case is made by the game folding in half into a sturdy box with locking hinges and hand holds.